Hope Relentless Marriage
Hope Relentless Marriage
Power of Dreams Pt. 1
In todays episode, we look at the power of shared dreams.
After listening to the podcast, here are some practical questions you can consider and discuss.
Do you currently have shared dreams?
If not, why not?
What environment can you create so both people feel safe and encouraged to share their dreams?
Dream without limits. Set aside time (maybe 15-30 minutes) to freely share dreams with one another and write them down. This is the time to dream not to plan or execute. We will plan and execute later.
Now that you have a large list of dreams. Circle any dreams that excite both of you.
Group these dreams by various timelines to execute. We want to start to organize dreams into short term, mid term, and long term categories.
Pick a goal and begin creating a plan and assign who is going to execute what and within what timeline. Review this often. This is a great opportunity to work together, encourage one another, and make progress on things that are important.
Additional discussion questions:
Are there any additional goals you can plan and execute at the same time?
What goals are now goals, and what goals are later goals?
Are any of the goals best saved for a different season of life?
Is there something less important currently getting in the way of a fulfilling a key dream? What is it? Can it be changed?
Want to work with Hope Relentless? Head over to our website and schedule a free consultation.